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Liza Factor. Personal photo project

Personal photo project: idea, realization, promotion.
Professor: Liza Factor, photographer, curator, director of the Fund “Objective reality”

At the seminar we will work at a project in stimulate speed mode, so that you can repeat this experience afterwards with time expenditures you need. Although in form the project can be artistic as well as documentary, in both cases we would be interested in social component of the project idea and its visual look.

We will discuss:
–    Personal project idea development (formulation, research and planning).
–    Projection of these ideas on your own and collaboratively with editors, curators, agents.
–    Communicative role of the projects and photography in whole. What non-photographic problems photography can resolve.
–    Motivation for personal work combined with your current professional occupation.
–    Understanding the necessity of photographic documentation, its cultural, anthropological and journalistic value.
–    Search for personal visual language.
–    Fields of application and results of photo projects.
–    Market opportunities, how photo projects can survive and develop (mass media, corporate market, nonprofit organizations, grants, scholarships).

Admission task for entrants

Dear photographers!

You have to prepare one or more design offers upon which selection to the group will be held. Deadline is June 20th 2009.

Your goal is to find a topic you are interested in and you would like to develop not being limited by time or customer’s requirements. This can be a topic you already work at or the one you would like develop.

When choosing the topic do not look about workshop scope schedule, but think about the goals you set and the results you want to achieve in near months.

Thus, you have to prepare:

1.    Project description (preferably not more than one text page). Necessarily indicate the intended effect of a project: exhibition, multimedia, book, web-site etc.
2.    Implementation plan: budget, project timeline and your ideas even if approximately where you can find money for the project (grants, commercial job etc.).
3.    Photo selection (not more that 15). If you already work at the project, these should be photos on the declared subject. If it is a new project, select pictures close to those you plan to take, photos that give general idea how you reveal such topics.
