Nordic Photography Experience 2011
Foundation of Informational and Cultural projects «FotoDepartament» with support of Nordic Culture Point presents
Nordic Photography Experience 2011
Cultural cooperation and educational program
Project location: Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Dates: January – July` 2011
Official web site of the project: www.nphe.ru
Invited experts from Nordic Countries:
Pieter ten Hoopen (Sweden), agency VU / www.pietertenhoopen.com
Jan Grarup (Denmark), agency NOOR / www.noorimages.com/index.php?id=jangrarup
Arja Hyytiainen (Finland), agency VU / www.arjahyytiainen.com
Morten Andersen (Norwey) / www.shadowlab.no/inside
Lina Scheynius (Sweden) / www.linascheynius.com
Nicolai Howalt (Danish) / www.nicolaihowalt.com
Ulrich Haas-Pursiainen, curator of Backlight festival, Tampere (Finland)
Beate Cegielska, Curator at Galleri Image, Aarhus (Denmark)
Jens Erdman Rasmussen, Curator at The National Museum of Photography (Denmark)
Anna-Kaisa Rastenberger, Chief Curator of The Finnish Museum of Photography (Finland)
The Nordic Photography Experience (NPE) project is a program of cultural and educational exchange that will develop the cooperation between photographers and photography-related professionals from the Northern countries and Russian North-West region. The aim of the NPE program is to adopt the experience that the European professionals gained before – the experience in professional photography, theory and artistic approaches, photo education, as well as curatorial practice, organizing exhibitions, festivals etc. None the less important is to introduce the wide audience, as well as the local photo community, the contemporary photography in the Nordic countries and begin an international dialog and network in the sphere of photography.
The NPE project divides its actions in two directions:
— educational program for photographers – workshops by leading Swedish, Danish, Finnish art-photographers and photojournalists;
— a program of lectures and meetings with curators, whose lectures will be important both for photographers and for young art-managers and art-critics, interested in getting new experience of project organization.
The cultural and educational cooperation program will last for 6 months. Each month there will be a series of so-called Nordic Days: 4-days practical workshops with photographer and lecture or open discussion and also meetings and portfolio-reviews with one of the guest curator. The workshop participants (up to 15 people in a group) will be chosen through an open call for applications – the candidates will have to show a good motivation and a worthy portfolio. The lectures, discussions, presentations and meetings with curators will be held as open free-of-charge events for a wider audience.
The events of this half-year program will take place in the very heart of Saint-Petersburg, in the Center of Art and Music, where the FotoDepartament Foundation holds its international summer photo-workshops, exhibitions and discussions for already three years so far.
As a long-term goal these meetings in St.-Petersburg are to develop the Nordic photography network and to shape the content of the future possible cooperation projects and exhibitions.
Project Nordic Photography Experience is supported by Nordic Culture Point Found
FotoDepartament Foundation
32 Nevsky pr. / Romanic-Catolic church / left courtyard / 2 floor
tel.: +7-901-301-7994 / +7 (812) 314-5925