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Egor Rogalev. Faraway, so close!

FotoDepartament Gallery
presents an exhibition under the program Green, showing young Russian photographers:

Egor Rogalev / Saint-Petersburg
Faraway, so close!

18 February – 22 March`2012

Exhibition Opening: 18 February, Suturday / 17.00 — 20.00
Held at: FotoDepartament Gallery

Trying to cognize themselves and to find their own special place in the universe humans are usually faced with the feeling of loneliness, estrangement and alienation. We are a part of an enormous world in which our presence as species and individuals is so small.

We still know very little about its structure. And even the Life’s rise on planet Earth is still a mystery. Fear of death and unknown drives us to shut ourselves from reality with its stunning spaciousness. And also contemporary social and economic system terminally alienates us from each other, our work and nature. The theme of alienation becomes common in modern art turns into essential part of it. Life is seen not as a process but as a spectacle or a dream observed apathetically and off-site. In a post-soviet reality marked by social disconnection and the loss of ideals this gets even deeper meaning.

Life observed off-site may be clear, painless and beautiful but it stops being a life itself. And art turns into farce while losing connection with life. This project is my own attempt to overcome the estrangement and alienation. Both of these phenomenons become the objects of investigation. Estrangement itself is observed offsite and everything turns into spectacle within a spectacle and a dream within a dream. This also appears against the background of various geographical spots that tie everything to the specific historical context. Meanwhile spectacle starts eating itself and alienation multiplied by alienation loses its meaning and turns into an attempt to get deeper and to catch a glimpse of a mystery which every moment of our existence is marked by. And this is a point where art becomes life and life becomes art. We are an integral part of this universe. And we embody and personify this world. So no matter how faraway and strange our life seems its always here so close. We just need to turn our faces to it.


About artist:
Egor Rogalev

For a first time was introduced to photography while studying on the journalism faculty of Saint Petersburg state university. In that time the feeling that photography has already become an integral part of my life appeared in the first place. But it took many years to get fully awared of it. Working as a designer and photo editor has made me sure that photography is really important for me as phenomenon and a tool of self-realization. But at the same time it has finally made me to concentrate fully on my own projects. In January 2011 the first small personal exhibition has happened at Arte Fire Bologna in Italy, then some publications in Russian and foreign magazines. In December 2012 I have succeed to become a finalist of Fotofestiwal Lodz Gran Prix program in Poland with a project «Faraway, so close» which was a result of 3 years of work and also a starting point of my serious relationship with photography.



Media partners:  The Village / Look At Me / Be-in /

Press contacts:
by phone +7 (901) 301-7993
by e-mail:

All works shown during exhibitions, can be purchased in the
FotoDepartament Gallery / / +7-901-301-7994

FotoDepartament Gallery /
