Workshops and Lectures
International summer photoworkshop «Ways of Photography»’s program containes not only several-days photographers seminars, but also one-day workshops, and practical lectures considering modern journalism’s topical items, art-photography and photography and art bussiness.
28 June / Anna Zekriya ( / Photostory — from the idea to publication
30 June / Oleg Klimov (Photographer, / Documentary Photography. In search of new forms of documentary contant’s demonstration between classical photography and multimedia.
1 July/ Igor Lebedev (photographer)/ Personal photoprogect- conceptual, art-, documentary photography
2 July/ Olesya Emelyanova (Newsweek)/ magazine news photography- items, style, work, publucation 2 July/ Irina Tchmyreva (curator, photofestival «Photovisa» art-director, Krasnodar) art-photography. In search of language.
4 July/ Ekaterina Kondranina (Curator, Moscow House of Photography)/ The process of working on an art project.
Workshop is based on a dailogue and discussions about participants’ and famouse photographers’ works. But in the first place, group works with participants’ projects, discuss the difficult moments in the work on personal themes, the possibilities for the most accurate expression of authors ideas through a series of photographs, the issues of creative and professional development etc.
Cost of workshop participation:
3000 rub. / 1 day 3 workshops — 7500 rub. 6 workshops — 12000 rub.
SUNDAY, 27 June
10.00-11.00 Opening ceremony of International Summer Workshop «Ways of Photography»
11.00-13.30 Igor Lebedev. Author and tecnology. Process of making visuals in photography
14.00-16.30 Konstantin Kiryanov-Gref. Front of Book 17.00 – 19.00 Mikhail Krasin. Artist’s book. Photographer’s book
19.30 – 22.00 Olesya Shchukin and Alexei Luchko(16:59). Pipe & Horse: Zines as a format of self-promotion.
MONDAY, 28 June
10.00 — 12.30. Anna Zekriya. Documentary photography as a bussiness.
13.00 – 15.30. Elena Zyryanov. Fundraising for photographers. Grants, scholarships, awards.
16.00 – 18.30. Igor Lebedev. Art-photography and modern art. As two different forms of world visualisation
19.00 – 21.30 Anders Petersen. Meeting with photographer. Won’t be held because of photographer’s illness
TUESDAY, 29 June
10.00 — 12.30 Igor Lebedev. History, story & Photography. An excursion into history and analysis of approaches to the creation of photo stories.
13.00 – 15.30 Oleg Klimov. Documentary photography and different forms of it demonstration (from Traditional to New Media )
16.00 – 18.30 Kate Bogachevskaya. Creation of multimedia projects in documentary photography. Workshop
19.00 – 21.30 Valery Schekoldin. Documentary photography as a tool for the study of life and society (the author’s lecture, a film about the photographer, conversation)
WENSDAY, 30 June
10.00 — 12.30 Igor Lebedev. Alternative photography . Theory and practice of novelty search
13.00 – 15.30 Alexey Loginov.Photography Art Market
16.00 – 18.30 Victoria Musvik. Art journalism, art criticism
19.00 – 21.30 Lyalya Kuznetsova. Creative meeting with a photographer Lalya Kuznetsova (Film about photographer, photography review, conversation with the author)
10.00 — 12.30 Irina Chmyreva. Curator and photographer. Dialogue apportunity and it’s aim
13.00 – 15.30 Anton Belov. Photographer International Promotion
16.00 – 18.30 Irina Chmyreva. Vertical Structure of International Photography Space
19.00 – 21.30 Vanessa Winship. Meeting with Photographer
FRIDAY, 2 July
10.00 — 12.30 Varia Vedeneeva. How to show your photographies to magazines’ editor.
13.00 – 15.30 Tikhon Bazilevsky. «Snob» project. Paper and online magazine: Future of the Media
17.30 – 19.00 Irina Chmyreva. International Portfolio review. Why they are important and how to prepare.
19.30 – 22.00 Pieter ten Hoopen. Meeting with Photographer
11.00 — 18.00 Portfolio-Review
19.00 – 21.00 Presentation of CD FotoInMotion.vol.3 Item «Home» and demonstration of multimedia projects . Free entrance!
SUNDAY, 4 July
10.00 — 12.30 Ekatherina Kondranina. Fotofestival: from idea to realization
13.00 – 15.30 Irena Evert. The producer of exhibitions, introduction to the profession
16.00 – 18.30 Olesya Emelyanova. News Photography: criteria, trends, development, the specificity of the photographer’s work in new forms of Media.
19.00 – 21.30 Opening excebition of Young photographer «Something strange » and the official closing of the International Summer workshop » Ways of photography. Free entrance!