Pure Vision. Igor Starkov
“Pure Vision”
Fund of cultural and informative programs “FotoDepartment” introduces personal exhibition of the photographer Igor Starkov “Pure Vision” as a part of the project “Thirty years”.
Dates: March, 21 – April, 18
Place: Cultural Art and Information Center of V. V. Mayakovsky city public library, Big exhibition hall, Nevsky pr., 20.
Opening: 5 p.m., March, 21, Saturday.
Our world is penetrated by pfotografic images. It’s even obscure if they affect the reality, immitate and copy it or otherwise the reality tunes to these images. In case when the separation of pfotograhpy to professional and amateur is not actual any more, not the precision of reproduction of the world is important; here the emphasis moves to a searching of form, responsible for the reality, free of conformity to any images.
The project “Pure Vision” represents an effort of reproduction of amateur’s outlook, executed professionally.
Series, represented as a part of that project, don’t copy the reality – they aren’t reporting or documentary photoes in their pure form. But at the same time they can’t be judged like amateur.
Under the amateur view we deal with cliched reproduction of the reality, with assimilation with samples of professional photoes on the one hand and with technic imperfection on the other. Amateur –means to imagine yourself, your life as the image and stereotype demand. According to this idea women are beloved, men are brutal, nature is beautiful. That means to strive to similarity, look like somebody, look beautiful. Be complicated in resemblance and simple in general.
On the photoes of Igor Starkov not the reality is reproduced but the model of point of view on it, the point if view of amateur. Such photoes are critical, it contains at the same time object of the photo (image) and subject (view on image). The photographer reproduces what is lack for the reality (objectivity) and reproduces view of other (subjectivity).
“General, familiar, plain” usual for amateur provoke involvness. At the same time the distance, caused by proffesional work, is sensible. The project “Pure Vision” is a game of attraction and repultion. And right in that game there is nothing stereotypical. To understabd it you should gain an amateur view.
Fund FotoDepartament
phone/fax: +7 (812) 571 1009
40-42 Nevsky st. / Armenian Church / left courtyard
Saint-Petersburg, Russia